- Request/response protocol
- Service authentication
- Notification management [Notification]
- Client management [Client]
- User management [User]
- Group management [Group]
- Automation management [Automation]
- Master data management [MasterData]
- NeosDocCoud management [NeosDocCloud]
- Agent management [Agent]
- Common objects definition
- NeosError object
- MessagePV1 object
- MessageDocPV1 object
- ClientPV1 object
- DirectionPV1 object
- AddressTypePV1 object
- ProvinciaPV1 object
- PoblacionPV1 object
- ClientContactPV1 object
- NeosDocV1 object
- CreateOrderDownReq object
- AgnDownQueueP object
- GroupPV1 object
- UserPV1 object
- AutomationUserPV1 object
- PageResult object
- Fixed values
- OData Examples
1. Request/response protocol
It is possible to connect to Neos API through REST protocol.
The methods are organized in categories. Some of them, such as the signature engine, may require a validation or a license in order to be used.
Consult with your project manager to obtain the URL and the credentials needed for a demo of the product in our ndemo environments.
1.1. REST service
REST service uses JSON notation for in and out of the service.
It is required a POST request to each operation URL with the request data.
The Auth category operations will return a session token. It will be needed on each operation and must be sent on the Authentication headline.
In order to access to each REST method it is needed to create the URL using the following example:
For instance, to do a get notification :
2. Service authentication
2.1. Obtaining session token
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/token
Obtaining a session token is done trough the Auth/Login method using the following parameters.
This token will be necessary on headers of the rest of the api calls.
This method is used to obtain a valid session or refresh exist one.
Auth/Login - Request New Sesion | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Value: password | ||
string | Yes | Login type value: credentials | ||
string | Yes | User's identifier | ||
string | Yes | User's password | ||
string | Yes | User's organization code | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded | |
string | Yes | Yes | Value: application/json |
Auth/Login - Request Refresh Session | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Value: refresh_token | ||
string | Yes | Login type value: credentials | ||
string | Yes | Refresh_token obtains in call "New Session" | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded | |
string | Yes | Yes | Value: application/json |
Auth/Login - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Session token | |
string | Token type | |
integer | Token duration in seconds | |
string | Sesion token to call Refresh method | |
string | User role | |
string | Token issued date | |
string | Token expires date |
Request and response example:
Request new session |
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate grant_type=password&logintype=credentials&username=myUser&password=mypass&idOrg=myidorg |
Request refresh session |
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate grant_type=refresh_token&logintype=credentials&refresh_token=dbe18108-861f-47ff-a56a-b1e03070e2bb |
JSON response |
{ "token": "KrFWFozz0Mt5z+6A7vnz8VjWD9Xbt2/vROvRfJqtXjXuWBIVztI26HNL1Ko0ZAWqM8rzzXGdXN6QYWVqfcYADYA3OwIqZERoBvJdEYSuHimA=", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 14399, "refresh_token": "dbe18108-861f-47ff-a56a-b1e03070e2bb", "userName": "admin", "rol": "SuperAdmin", ".issued": "Mon, 07 Oct 2019 13:39:47 GMT", ".expires": "Mon, 07 Oct 2019 17:39:47 GMT" } |
In this example the token is: KrFWFozz0Mt5z+6A7vnz8VjWD9Xbt2/vROvRfJqtXjXuWBIVztI26HNL1Ko0ZAWqM8rzzXGdXN6QYWVqfcYADYA3OwIqZERoBvJdEYSuHimA=
3. Notification management [Notification]
3.1. Get notification List[Notification/Notifications]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Notificacion/notifications
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/notification/notifications
Getting a notifications list is done through the Notification/notifications method.
Notification/Get - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
This method use OData.
OData is a data access protocol for the web. It provides a uniform way to query and manipulate data sets.
Web API supports the following OData query options:
Query string parameters | |
Query String Parameter | Explanation |
Returns only the first n the results. | |
Skips the first n results. | |
Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. | |
Selects which properties to include in the response. | |
Tells the server to include the total count of matching entities in the response. (Useful for server-side paging.) | |
Sorts the results. |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
PageResult of MessagePV1 | Page result object |
Request and response example:
Request examples:
JSON response |
{ "Items": [ { "messageid": "17012680", "idservice": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CAMARA", "platform": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "datesent": null, "datereceived": "2019-10-10T09:32:54.913", "dateMaxTramitacion": null, "setTateMaxTramitacion": false, "status": 0, "statusName": "Recibido pendiente de lectura", "ptf_estado": "Sin descargar", "ptf_asunto": "VOLUNTARIA: 047 - GADOR - IBI de naturaleza rustica", "dateMAxRead": null, "ptf_access_date": "2019-10-10T00:00:00", "listed": true, "emisor": "Diputación de Almería", "detail": "", "idneos": "8e22612e-88bd-4add-b378-76076b895244", "gestor": "", "tipoGestor": 0, "grupoGestor": null, "descripcionGestor": "", "statusOrderDownload": null, "tipo": 3, "descargada": false }, { "messageid": "17038184", "idservice": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CAMARA", "platform": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "datesent": null, "datereceived": "2019-10-10T09:32:54.923", "dateMaxTramitacion": null, "setTateMaxTramitacion": false, "status": 0, "statusName": "Recibido pendiente de lectura", "ptf_estado": "Sin descargar", "ptf_asunto": "VOLUNTARIA: 046 - FONDON - IBI de naturaleza rustica", "dateMAxRead": null, "ptf_access_date": "2019-10-10T00:00:00", "listed": true, "emisor": "Diputación de Almería", "detail": "", "idneos": "442f2dc6-632a-428d-b5df-d82c4359c40a", "gestor": "", "tipoGestor": 0, "grupoGestor": null, "descripcionGestor": "", "statusOrderDownload": null, "tipo": 3, "descargada": false } ], "NextPageLink": null, "Count": 26450 } |
3.2. Getting notification [Notification/Get]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Notificacion/get
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/notification/get
Getting a notification data is done through the Notification/Get method.
Notification/Get - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
MessagepV1 | No | Notification object | ||
string | Yes | No | Unique id notification | |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
MessagepV1 | Notification object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "idneos": "71f20f02-7701-4056-a977-e7eddb60ade4", "status": 1, "pft_asunto": "Subject modify" "dateMaxtramitacion": "2019-10-07T13:27:47.435Z" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "messageid": "0015f816-ffdd-43fb-8b2c-95c68684ac3a", "idservice": "ARTIC", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "platform": "c-Office", "datesent": "2017-04-06T00:00:00", "datereceived": "2019-08-28T13:12:58.98", "dateMaxTramitacion": null, "status": 0, "statusName": "Recibido pendiente de lectura", "ptf_estado": "Sin leer", "ptf_asunto": "Subject4", "dateMAxRead": "2017-04-16T00:00:00", "ptf_access_date": null, "listed": true, "emisor": "Organismo Emisor", "detail": "Id Notificacion: 0015f816-ffdd-43fb-8b2c-95c68684ac3a Estado: Sin leer Emisor: Organismo Emisor Asunto: Subject4 Tipo:NOTIFICACION Detalle:detalle2 Fecha: 06/04/2017 Expediente: ", "idneos": "71f20f02-7701-4056-a977-e7eddb60ade4" }, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
3.3. Setting notification [Notification/Set]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Notificacion/set
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/notification/set
Setting a notification parameters is done through the Notification/Set method.
This method is also used to modify the value of fields:
- Status.
- Subject.
- Maximum processing date.
Notification/Set - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
MessagepV1 | No | Notification object | ||
int | Yes | Notification ID | ||
int | No | Status id : Values | ||
string | No | Notification subject | ||
DateTime | No | Notification maximum processing date | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Notification/Set - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
MessagepV1 | Notification object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "idneos": "71f20f02-7701-4056-a977-e7eddb60ade4", "status": 1, "pft_asunto": "Subject modify" "dateMaxtramitacion": "2019-10-07T13:27:47.435Z" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "messageid": "0065868c-7f6d-41f2-9382-7850ece73fb3", "idservice": "ARTIC", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "platform": "c-Office", "datesent": "2017-03-06T00:00:00", "datereceived": "2019-08-30T09:21:34.907", "dateMaxTramitacion": null, "status": 2, "statusName": "Leida, pendiente de tramitar", "ptf_estado": "Sin leer", "ptf_asunto": "Subject3", "dateMAxRead": "2017-03-16T00:00:00", "ptf_access_date": null, "listed": false, "emisor": "Organismo Emisor", "detail": "Id Notificacion: 0065868c-7f6d-41f2-9382-7850ece73fb3 Estado: Sin leer Emisor: Organismo Emisor Asunto: Subject3 Tipo:COMUNICACION Detalle:detalle1 Fecha: 06/03/2017 Expediente: ", "idneos": "71f20f02-7701-4056-a977-e7eddb60ade4" }, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
3.4. Get notification Documents [documents/get]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Notificacion/documents/get
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/notification/documents/get
Setting a notification parameters is done through the Notification/documents/get method.
This method obtain the list of notification documents
Notification/Set - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
MessagepV1 | No | Notification object | ||
int | Yes | Notification ID | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
^ Notification/Set - Response ^
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Description ^
| Code | string | Code response |
| Description | strin g | Description of error |
| data | MessageDocPV1 | Notification object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "idneos": "d84df5a4-6f3e-455f-a1ee-4bc2e06e3a82" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "documentid": "d08be4c5-913d-4280-96c0-b57afba750fc", "title": "dd5decf9-ea0c-40a6-8c54-d51a0411d0cb", "doctype": 1, "doctypedesc": "Notificación", "docname": "dd5decf9-ea0c-40a6-8c54-d51a0411d0cb.pdf" } ], "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
4. Client management [Client]
4.1. Listed client [Client/clients]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Client/clients
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/client/clients
Getting a list of clients data is done through the Client/clients method.
Client/clients - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Client/clients - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
List of ClientPV1 | Client list object |
Request and response example:
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": null, "contactoCliente": null }, { "clientid": "00000002T", "clientname": "RUBEN", "clientSurname": "GARCIA LOPEZ", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 2", "email": "ruben@garcia.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "ruben@garcia.com", "SStIdentification": "00000002T", "SSccc": "33333333T", "ssnaf": "44444444T", "docID": "11111111T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": null, "contactoCliente": null } ], "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
4.2. Gettting client [Client/get]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Client/get
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/client/get
Getting a client data is done through the Client/Get method.
Client/get - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
ClientPV1 | No | Client object | ||
int | Yes | Client ID | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Client/get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
ClientPV1 | Client object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "clientid": "00000000T", } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", }, "contactoCliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } }, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
4.3. Create client [Client/create]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Client/create
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/client/create
Create client is done through the Client/create method.
Client/Create - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
ClientPV1 | No | Client object | ||
int | Yes | Client ID | ||
string | No | Client Name | ||
string | No | Client Surname | ||
bool | No | Client allow check notifications on bulletin boards flag | ||
string | No | Client notes | ||
string | No | Client email | ||
string | No | Client SS Identification | ||
string | No | Client CCC Identification | ||
string | No | Client NAF Identification | ||
string | No | Client DOC id | ||
DirectionPV1 | No | Client address | ||
ClientContactPV1 | No | Client contact | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Client/create - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
ClientPV1 | Client object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "clientid": "clientid", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", }, "contactoCliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "clientid": "clientid", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", }, "contactoCliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } }, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
4.4. Setting client [Client/set]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Client/set
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/client/set
Setting a client parameters is done through the Client/Set method.
This method is also used to modify the value of fields:
- Client Name.
- Client Surname.
- Client allow check notifications on bulletin boards.
- Client notes
- Client email
- SS Identification
- CCC Identification
- NAF Identification
- Client DOC id
- Client direction
- Client contact
Client/Set - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
ClientPV1 | No | Client object | ||
int | Yes | Client ID | ||
string | No | Client Name | ||
string | No | Client Surname | ||
bool | No | Client allow check notifications on bulletin boards flag | ||
string | No | Client notes | ||
string | No | Client email | ||
string | No | Client SS Identification | ||
string | No | Client CCC Identification | ||
string | No | Client NAF Identification | ||
string | No | Client DOC id | ||
DirectionPV1 | No | Client address | ||
ClientContactPV1 | No | Client contact | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Client/set - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
ClientPV1 | Client object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "clientid": "clientid", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", }, "contactoCliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "clientid": "clientid", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", }, "contactoCliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } }, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
4.5. Delete client [Client/delete]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Client/delete
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/client/delete
Delete client is done through the Client/delete method.
Client/delete - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
ClientPV1 | No | Client object | ||
int | Yes | Client ID | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Client/delete - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
int | Result of operation : 1 OK - 1 Error| |
JSON request |
{ "m": { "clientid": "00000000T", } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": 1 , "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
5. User management [User]
5.1. Get user groups [User/GetUserGroup]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/User/GetUserGroup
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/User/GetUserGroup
Getting a list of groups asigned to user method.
User/GetUserGroup - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
UserReqPV1 | No | User request object | ||
int | Yes | User ID | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
User/GetUserGroup - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
List of GroupPV1 | Group list object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "idUser": "Admin" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "idgroup": 1322, "Nombre": "General", "NUsuarios": 0, "NClientes": 0, "recAccessPermission": null, "error": null } ], "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
6. Group management [Group]
6.1. Listed Groups [Group/GetAllGroups]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Group/GetAllGroups
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/Group/GetAllGroups
Getting a list of groups .
Group/GetAllGroups - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
This method use OData.
OData is a data access protocol for the web. It provides a uniform way to query and manipulate data sets.
Web API supports the following OData query options:
Query string parameters | |
Query String Parameter | Explanation |
Returns only the first n the results. | |
Skips the first n results. | |
Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. | |
Selects which properties to include in the response. | |
Tells the server to include the total count of matching entities in the response. (Useful for server-side paging.) | |
Sorts the results. |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
PageResult of GroupPV1 | Page result object |
Request and response example:
Request examples:
JSON response |
{ "Items": [ { "idgroup": 1322, "Nombre": "General", "NUsuarios": 1, "NClientes": 3 }, { "idgroup": 1323, "Nombre": "Prueba", "NUsuarios": 1, "NClientes": 3 } ] "NextPageLink": null, "Count": null } |
6.2. Get user groups [Group/GetGroupUser]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Group/GetGroupUser
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/Group/GetGroupUser
Getting a list of user asigned to group method.
Group/GetGroupUser - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
GroupPV1 | No | Group request object | ||
int | Yes | group ID | ||
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Group/GetGroupUser - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
List of UserPV1 | User list object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "idgroup": 1233 } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "iduser": "Admin", "nombreApellidos": "Cristian Tavira ", "nombre": null, "apellidos": null, "password": null, "idpProfile": null, "descriptionProfile": null, "email": null, "observaciones": null, "lastLoginWeb": null, "lastLoginDesktop": null, "error": null, "isFirstLogin": null, "domainSID": null } ], "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
7. Automation management [Automation]
7.1. Automation Users [Automation/users]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Automation/Users
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/Automation/Users
Recieve the file to automation on batch import users
^ Client/Set - Request ^
^ Parameter ^ Type ^ Requested ^ Header ^ Description ^
| m | AutomationUserPV1 | | No | AutomationUser object |
| \m.base64string | string | Yes | | Base64 string file |
| Authorization | string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Client/set - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
AutomationUserPV1 | AutomationUser object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "base64string": "77u/aWRVc2VyO25vbWJyZTthcGVsbGlkb3M7ZW1haWw7Y29udHJhc2XDsWE7aWRQZXJmaWw7YWNjaW9uO1NOIGNlcnRpZmljYWRvO2NpZiBjbGllbnRlO29yZ2FuaXNtbztyZXN1bHRhZG8NCmN0YXZpcmE7Y3Jpc3RpYW4gO3RhdmlyYTthQGEuY29tO0FiYzEyMzsxO0E7MTIyNDU2OzQ4NDA2MDEyTTtQQUc7DQpjdGF2aXJhO2NyaXN0aWFuIDt0YXZpcmE7YUBhLmNvbTtBYmMxMjM7MTtBOzEyMjQ1Njs0ODQwNjAxMk0NCg==" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "base64string": "77u/aWRVc2VyO25vbWJyZTthcGVsbGlkb3M7ZW1haWw7Y29udHJhc2XDsWE7aWRQZXJmaWw7YWNjaW9uO1NOIGNlcnRpZmljYWRvO2NpZiBjbGllbnRlO29yZ2FuaXNtbztyZXN1bHRhZG8NCmN0YXZpcmE7Y3Jpc3RpYW4gO3RhdmlyYTthQGEuY29tO0FiYzEyMzsxO0E7MTIyNDU2OzQ4NDA2MDEyTTtQQUc7DQpjdGF2aXJhO2NyaXN0aWFuIDt0YXZpcmE7YUBhLmNvbTtBYmMxMjM7MTtBOzEyMjQ1Njs0ODQwNjAxMk0NCg==" }, "Code": null, "Description": null } |
8. Master data management [MasterData]
8.1. Listed Addresses [MasterData/getAddresses]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getAddresses
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getAddresses
Getting a list of address type is done through the MasterData/getAddresses method.
MasterData/getAddresses - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
MasterData/getAddresses - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
List of AddressTypePV1 | Address Type list object |
Request and response example:
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "codigo": "1", "nombre": "Alameda" }, { "codigo": "2", "nombre": "Calle" }, ], "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
8.2. Listed Provinces [MasterData/getProvincias]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getProvincias
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getProvincias
Getting a list of provinces is done through the MasterData/getProvincias method.
MasterData/getProvincias - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
MasterData/getProvincias - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
List of ProvinciaPV1 | Pronvince list object |
Request and response example:
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "codigo": "46", "nombre": "Valencia" }, { "codigo": "47", "nombre": "Valladolid" }, ], "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
8.3. Listed Towns [MasterData/getPoblaciones]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getPoblaciones
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getPoblaciones
Getting a list of towns is done through the MasterData/getPoblaciones method.
MasterData/getPoblaciones- Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
MasterData/getPoblaciones - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
List of PoblacionPV1 | Town list object |
Request and response example:
JSON response |
{ "data": [ { "codigoProvincia": "01", "nombre": "Alegría-Dulantzi", "codigo": "0014" }, { "codigoProvincia": "01", "nombre": "Amurrio", "codigo": "0029" } ], "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
8.4. Listed Available services [MasterData/getAvailableServices]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getAvailableServices
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getAvailableServices
Getting a list of available services.
MasterData/getAvailableServices - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
This method use OData.
OData is a data access protocol for the web. It provides a uniform way to query and manipulate data sets.
Web API supports the following OData query options:
Query string parameters | |
Query String Parameter | Explanation |
Returns only the first n the results. | |
Skips the first n results. | |
Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition. | |
Selects which properties to include in the response. | |
Tells the server to include the total count of matching entities in the response. (Useful for server-side paging.) | |
Sorts the results. |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
PageResult of EntePv1 | Page result object |
Request and response example:
Request examples:
JSON response |
{ "Items": [ { "idEnte": 3, "nombre": "112 Cantabria, S.A.U.", "dir3": null, "codigoPôstal": null }, { "idEnte": 4, "nombre": "1908 Puerto de Motril AIE (Motrilport)", "dir3": null, "codigoPôstal": null }, { "idEnte": 5, "nombre": "A. de Acreditación-FGUPM-UPC-de Proy.de Inv.Desar.e Innov.Tecn. S.L", "dir3": null, "codigoPôstal": null }, { "idEnte": 7, "nombre": "A.I.E. Gest. Integ. Sanit. i Assist. (GISA)", "dir3": null, "codigoPôstal": null }, "NextPageLink": "https://ndemo.ivnosys.net:443/api/rest/v1/api/MasterData/getAvailableServices?$skip=2000", "Count": null } |
9. NeosDocCoud management [NeosDocCloud]
9.1. Get Document [NeosDocCloud/GetNeosDocCloud]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/NeosDocCloud/GetNeosDocCloud
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/NeosDocCloud/GetNeosDocCloud
Getting a document is done through the NeosDocCloud/GetNeosDocCloud method.
Notification/Get - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
NeosDocV1 | No | NeosDocCloud object | ||
string | Yes | No | Unique id Document | |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
NeosDocV1 | Notification object |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "idDoc": "0353376f-f76f-45b7-a355-36cb0983408c" } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": { "idDoc": null, "base64string": "bOHgksCOy/IGXvTJyRIcP071fZLIRxlvezOxR8NDl5qlXalwVU/R1oiJuDD4CCH/A8O3W4oNCm", "idNeos": null }, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
10. Agent management [Agent]
10.1. Create Order Download [Agent/createOrderDownload]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Agent/createOrderDownload
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/Agent/createOrderDownload
Creare order download notification is done through the Agent/createOrderDownload method.
Notification/Get - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
[[#createorderdownreq _object|NeosDocV1]] | No | CreateOrderDownReq object | ||
string | Yes | No | Notification ID | |
DateTime? | Yes | No | Date from which the execution order can be executed | |
bool | Yes | No | Indicates if the download order will have retries if it fails | |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
long | OrderDowload Id |
Request and response example:
JSON request |
{ "m": { "messageId": "1g648fg5118848dfg18", "executionFromDate": "2020-05-20T11:53:20.250Z", "retry": true } } |
JSON response |
{ "data": 1550, "error": { "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid": "" } } |
10.2. Get Order Download Status [Agent/getOrderDownloadStatus]
URL: https://ENVIRONMENT/rest/v1/api/Agent/getOrderDownloadStatus
Example: https://ndemo.ivnosys.net/api/rest/v1/api/Agent/getOrderDownloadStatus?id=2
Gets order download notification status is done through the Agent/getOrderDownloadStatus method.
Notification/Get - Request | ||||
Parameter | Type | Requested | Header | Description |
string | Yes | Yes | Value "Bearer " + The authorization token obtains in Auth/Login |
Query string parameters | |
Query String Parameter | Explanation |
Order Download ID |
Notification/Get - Response | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
NeosError | Error object | |
AgnDownQueueP | AgnDownQueueP object |
Request and response example:
Request examples:
JSON response |
{ "data": { "idDownOrder": 2, "status": "F", "downOk": true, "reasonError": null, "messageId": "0a575c75-dcde-49e8-87e7-0633f3a77389", "idService": "ARTIC" }, "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
11. Common objects definition
Common object definitions are listed below.
11.1. NeosError object
The NeosError object holds all the information relative to an error that may happens during a call to Neos Api.
It comes in every keyman response. The code 0 means there was no error during the call.
NeosError | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Error code | |
string | Error description | |
string | Operation trace ID |
JSON Example |
{ "code": "0", "message": "OK", "traceid":"7DC44PFZOEPUQ" } |
11.2. MessagePV1 object
The MessagePV1 object holds all the information relative to a Notification.
MessagePV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Notification id | |
string | Notification issuing platform code | |
string | Notification receiver code | |
string | Notification receiver name | |
string | Notification issuing platform description | |
DateTime | Notification making available date | |
DateTime | Notification received date in Neos Applicaction | |
DateTime | Notification maximum processing date | |
int | Notification status code on Neos Applicacion | |
string | Notification status name on Neos Applicacion| | |
string | Notification status name on issuing platform | |
string | Notification subject | |
DateTime | Notification maximum read date | |
DateTime | Notification access date on issuing platform | |
bool | Notification listed flag | |
string | Notification Agency issuing | |
string | Notification extra info| | |
string | Notification unique id neos |
JSON Example |
{ "messageid": "0015f816-ffdd-43fb-8b2c-95c68684ac3a", "idservice": "ARTIC", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "platform": "c-Office", "datesent": "2017-04-06T00:00:00", "datereceived": "2019-08-28T13:12:58.98", "dateMaxTramitacion": "2017-04-16T00:00:00", "status": 0, "statusName": "Recibido pendiente de lectura", "ptf_estado": "Sin leer", "ptf_asunto": "Subject 1", "dateMAxRead": "2017-04-16T00:00:00", "ptf_access_date": "2017-04-16T00:00:00", "listed": true, "emisor": "Organismo Emisor", "detail": "Id Notificacion: 0015f816-ffdd-43fb-8b2c-95c68684ac3a Estado: Sin leer Emisor: Organismo Emisor Asunto: Subject4 Tipo:NOTIFICACION Detalle:detalle2 Fecha: 06/04/2017 Expediente: ", "idneos": "71f20f02-7701-4056-a977-e7eddb60ade4" } |
11.3. MessageDocPV1 object
The MessageDocPV1 object holds all the information relative to a Notification Document.
MessageDocPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Notification id | |
string | Tittle Document | |
int | Doc Type Id | |
string | Doc Type Description | |
string | Doc name |
**JSON Example**
11.4. ClientPV1 object
The ClientPV1 object holds all the information relative to a Client.
ClientPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Client id | |
string | Client Name | |
string | Client Surname | |
bool | Client allow check notifications on bulletin boards flag | |
string | Client notes | |
string | Client email | |
bool | Indicates that the client manages its own notifications. | |
int | AutoGest Access license | |
int | AutoGest Notification email | |
string | Client SS Identification | |
string | Client CCC Identification | |
string | Client NAF Identification | |
string | Client DOC id | |
int | Number of notifs | |
int | Number of TEU notifs | |
DirectionPV1 | No | |
ClientContactPV1 | No |
JSON Example |
{ "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN", "clientSurname": "CÁMARA ESPAÑOL", "eNotifications": true, "Notes": "Note 1", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "autoGest": true, "autoGestIdLic": 1, "AutoGestEmailReceiv": "juancamara@camara.com", "SStIdentification": "00000000T", "SSccc": "11111111T", "ssnaf": "22222222T", "docID": "00000000T", "nnotif": 120, "nnotifteu": 60, "direccioncliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", }, "contactoCliente": { "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } } |
11.5. DirectionPV1 object
The DirectionPV1 object holds all the information relative to a Address Client.
DirectionPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
int | id | |
string | Client Name | |
string | License usertoken | |
string | Address | |
string | Postal code | |
string | Type of address id | |
string | Description of type address | |
string | Province id | |
string | Province description | |
string | Town id | |
string | Town description | |
string | Phone number |
JSON Example |
{ "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "direccion": "C/ Mayor 20 Pta 1", "codPostal": 46980, "tipoVia": "2", "descTipoVia": "Calle", "provincia": "46", "descProvincia": "Valencia/Valencia", "poblacion": "1901", "descPoblacion": "Paterna", "phone": "688888888", } |
11.6. AddressTypePV1 object
The AddressTypePV1 object holds all the information relative to a Type of address.
AddressTypePV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Code | |
string | Description |
JSON Example |
{ "codigo": "2", "nombre": "Calle", } |
11.7. ProvinciaPV1 object
The ProvinciaPV1 object holds all the information relative to a Provinces.
ProvinciaPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Code | |
string | Description |
JSON Example |
{ "codigo": "46", "nombre": "Valencia", } |
11.8. PoblacionPV1 object
The PoblacionPV1 object holds all the information relative to a Towns.
PoblacionPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Province code | |
string | Code | |
string | Description |
JSON Example |
{ "codigoProvincia": "46", "codigo": "1901", "nombre": "Calle", } |
11.9. ClientContactPV1 object
The ClientContactPV1 object holds all the information relative to a Client Contact.
ClientContactPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
int | id | |
string | Client id | |
string | License usertoken | |
string | Doc ID | |
string | Contact name | |
string | Contact surname| | |
string | Contact phone | |
string | Contact email | |
string | Contact Notes |
JSON Example |
{ "id": 1, "clientid": "00000000T", "usertoken": "TEST-IVNOSYS", "docID": "00000000T", "name": "Juan", "surname": "Camara Español", "phone": "666999988", "email": "juancamara@camara.com", "notes": "note 2" } |
11.10. NeosDocV1 object
The NeosDocV1 object holds the information relative to a Notificacion Document in base64string propertie.
NeosDocV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | id | |
string | Base64 array | |
string | IdNeos |
JSON Example |
{ "idDoc": "0353376f-f76f-45b7-a355-36cb0983408c", "base64string": "JVBERi0xLjUNCiW1tbW1DQoxIDAgb2JqDQo8PC9UeXBlL0NhdGFsb2cvUGFnZXMgMiAw", "idNeos": "07261516-1c82-4434-813c-8dd98a8732ed" } |
11.11. CreateOrderDownReq object
The CreateOrderDownReq object holds the information who needs to create a order donwnload
CreateOrderDownReq | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Notification ID | |
DateTime? | Date from which the execution order can be executed | |
bool | Indicates if the download order will have retries if it fails |
JSON Example |
{ "messageId": "1g648fg5118848dfg18", "executionFromDate": "2020-05-20T11:53:20.250Z", "retry": true } |
11.12. AgnDownQueueP object
The AgnDownQueueP object holds the information relative to a order download
AgnDownQueueP | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Order download ID | |
string | Order download status P (Pending) I (IN PROGRESS) F (FINALIZED) | |
bool | Indicates if the download was successful | |
bool | If an error has occurred, show the reason | |
bool | Notification Id| | |
bool | Notification issuing platform code |
JSON Example |
{ "data": { "idDownOrder": 2, "status": "F", "downOk": true, "reasonError": null, "messageId": "0a575c75-dcde-49e8-87e7-0633f3a77389", "idService": "ARTIC" }, "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
11.13. GroupPV1 object
The GroupPV1 object holds the information relative to group
GroupPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Group ID | |
string | Group name | |
int | Number of users | |
bool | Number of clients |
JSON Example |
{ "data": { "idDownOrder": 2, "status": "F", "downOk": true, "reasonError": null, "messageId": "0a575c75-dcde-49e8-87e7-0633f3a77389", "idService": "ARTIC" }, "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
11.14. UserPV1 object
The UserPV1 object holds the information relative to User
UserPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | User ID | |
string | USer name and usermame| | |
string | User email |
JSON Example |
{ "data": { "iduser": "Admin", "nombreApellidos": "Cristian Tavira ", "email": null, }, "Code": "200", "Description": null } |
11.15. AutomationUserPV1 object
The AutomationUserPV1 object holds the information relative to a order download
AutomationUserPV1 | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Base64 string file |
JSON Example |
{ "data": { "base64string":"77u/aWRVc2VyO25vbWJyZTthcGVsbGlkb3M7ZW1haWw7Y29udHJhc2XDsWE7aWRQZXJmaWw7YWNjaW9uO1NOIGNlcnRpZmljYWRvO2NpZiBjbGllbnRlO29yZ2FuaXNtbztyZXN1bHRhZG8NCmN0YXZpcmE7Y3Jpc3RpYW4gO3RhdmlyYTthQGEuY29tO0FiYzEyMzsxO0E7MTIyNDU2OzQ4NDA2MDEyTTtQQUc7DQpjdGF2aXJhO2NyaXN0aWFuIDt0YXZpcmE7YUBhLmNvbTtBYmMxMjM7MTtBOzEyMjQ1Njs0ODQwNjAxMk0NCg==" } } |
11.16. PageResult object
Represents a feed of entities that includes additional information that OData formats support.
PageResult | ||
Parameter | Type | Description |
long | Gets the total count of items in the feed. | |
IEnumerable | Gets the collection of entities for this feed. | |
Uri | Gets the link for the next page of items in the feed. |
JSON Example |
{ "Items": [ { "messageid": "17179974", "idservice": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CAMARA", "platform": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "datesent": null, "datereceived": "2019-10-10T09:32:54.523", "dateMaxTramitacion": null, "setTateMaxTramitacion": false, "status": 0, "statusName": "Recibido pendiente de lectura", "ptf_estado": "Sin descargar", "ptf_asunto": "VOLUNTARIA: 101 - VIATOR - IBI de naturaleza urbana", "dateMAxRead": null, "ptf_access_date": "2019-10-10T00:00:00", "listed": true, "emisor": "Diputación de Almería", "detail": "", "idneos": "7ac4f82d-5c4b-49cf-93aa-4aec560c36d6", "gestor": "", "tipoGestor": 0, "grupoGestor": null, "descripcionGestor": "", "statusOrderDownload": null, "tipo": 3, "descargada": false }, { "messageid": "17181875", "idservice": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "clientid": "00000000T", "clientname": "JUAN CAMARA", "platform": "Recibos Diputación Almeria", "datesent": null, "datereceived": "2019-10-10T09:32:54.867", "dateMaxTramitacion": null, "setTateMaxTramitacion": false, "status": 0, "statusName": "Recibido pendiente de lectura", "ptf_estado": "Sin descargar", "ptf_asunto": "VOLUNTARIA: 101 - VIATOR - IBI de naturaleza rustica", "dateMAxRead": null, "ptf_access_date": "2019-10-10T00:00:00", "listed": true, "emisor": "Diputación de Almería", "detail": "", "idneos": "5e0dfb21-e871-4e4f-802c-8eaca94d8ddf", "gestor": "", "tipoGestor": 0, "grupoGestor": null, "descripcionGestor": "", "statusOrderDownload": null, "tipo": 3, "descargada": false } ], "NextPageLink": null, "Count": 26450 } |
12. Fixed values
Fixed values definitions are listed below.
12.1. Notification status
Status values | |
Id | Description |
Rreceived, pending reading | |
Read, pending processing | |
In process | |
Closed |
13. OData Examples
13.1. Filter expressions
Filter expressions | ||
Filter Operation | Example | Explanation |
filter=ActionCount+eq+10 | Query to find registries with ActionCount that equals 10. | |
filter=Entry_No gt 610 and Entry_No lt 615 | Query on service. Returns entry numbers 611 through 614. | |
filter=Country_Region_Code eq 'ES' and Payment_Terms_Code eq '14 DAYS' | Query on "customer" service. Returns customers in Spain where Payment_Terms_Code=14 DAYS. | |
filter= Country_Region_Code eq 'ES' or Country_Region_Code eq 'US' | You can use OR operators to apply different filters on the same field. However, you cannot use OR operators to apply filters on two different fields. | |
filter=Entry_No lt 610 | Returns entry numbers that are less than 610. | |
filter= Entry_No gt 610 | Returns entry numbers that are less than 610. | |
filter=Entry_No ge 610 | Returns entry numbers 610 and higher. | |
filter=Entry_No le 610 | Returns entry numbers up to and including 610. | |
filter=VAT_Bus_Posting_Group ne 'EXPORT' | Returns all customers with VAT_Bus_Posting_Group not equal to EXPORT. | |
filter=endswith(VAT_Bus_Posting_Group,'RT') | Returns all customers with VAT_Bus_Posting_Group values that end in RT. | |
filter=startswith(Name, 'S') | Query on Customer service. Returns all customers names beginning with “S” | |
filter=substringof(Name, ‘urn’) | Returns customer records for customers with names containing the string “urn”. | |
filter=length(Name) gt 20 | Returns customer records for customers with names longer than 20 characters. | |
filter=indexof(Location_Code, ‘BLUE’) eq 0 | Returns customer records for customers having a location code beginning with the string BLUE. | |
filter=substring(Location_Code, 5) eq 'RED' | Returns true for customers with the string RED in their location code starting as position 5. |